Save the Date: The 2024 National Gathering!

The Church is always called to be on the ground and grounded. Rooted in the needs of others and the yearnings of all Creation, we respond with trust and confidence as people of faith to transform the world around us. This work requires trust, openness, and resiliency.

We also must remember that we do not go on this journey alone. Over and over at NEXT Church, we have heard the deep desire to gather together in one place together. We hope you will save the date for the National Gathering from April 8-11, 2024 in the Metro DC area. Participants will dig deep into a chosen topic alongside a lead practitioner and coach to move toward engagement and application. Registration will open in December.

We will continue our longstanding commitment to connect people across various locations, experiences, and contexts:

  • A January and February Workshop Burst will help to start the year off right. Weekly opportunities focus on different areas, including but not limited to, community organizing skills, storytelling, preaching and worship, and engagement in antiracism work. Participants can register for individual workshops or purchase a pass for all sessions.
  • The Preaching for Change Initiative will open applications for self-created cohorts exploring the ways worship moves the needle toward change and transformation. Applications will open in November.
  • A new antiracism training video series, “Antiracism as a Way of Being,” will become available in early 2024. This updated set of videos will provide foundational understanding and practical application for participants.

Grounded in our faith, the NEXT Church network will journey together by listening deeply, remaining open to new ideas and possibilities, experimenting with the learnings, facing unexpected results and challenges, and leading toward new places we could have never imagined.

Keep an eye out for these opportunities in the coming weeks!


On the Journey Together,

Larissa Kwong Abazia

Designated Strategic Director