Cultivated Ministry gives us a way to undertake ministry with a clear and purposeful understanding of how our activities contribute to God’s mission in the world. Traditional metrics – such as membership counts, financial totals, and worship attendance – have proved inadequate for measuring the effectiveness of traditional communities of faith, much less emergent ones, but other metrics have not risen in their place. Thus, we revert to what we know, perpetuating a status quo.
Cultivated Ministry is a culture and process of ministry that does not rest on traditional metrics nor does it abdicate accountability altogether. It is a commitment to four interlocking means of assessment, evaluation, and (re)design aimed at nurturing thoughtful expressions of God’s mission in the world.
We are excited to share these resources with you and pray they will be of use to you in your work.
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* contextual information for writers, designers, and consultants is as of fall 2017, the original publication date for Cultivated Ministry
Here are additional resources to support the implementation of Cultivated Ministry in your ministry context. As we develop or discover resources to accompany this guide, we will add them here.
Jessica Tate and Shavon Starling-Louis hosted a conversation on Facebook on why we should assess ministry, even in a time when things are crazy.
Join our Cultivated Ministry in Practice Facebook group to connect with other people who are using Cultivated Ministry in their context. Feel free to ask questions or crowdsource ideas about implementation or anything else related to Cultivated Ministry!
As we’ve incorporated the principles of Cultivated Ministry into our work as NEXT Church, we developed worksheets to assess our initiatives. Carla Pratt Keyes of Ginter Park Presbyterian Church in Richmond, VA, has done the same. Here are examples from the ministry of her church for your use and information.
Learn more about Cultivated Ministry from these blog posts from the designers and writers, plus those who piloted the project in their contexts.
We give thanks to the sponsors of this project. Their sponsorship has allowed Cultivated Ministry be a free resource to all church leaders.