NEXT Church believes leaders and the ground on which they serve must be tended in order to bring about change and transformation. We know that Christian leaders who respond to the needs around them require the cultivation of growth and change, both in themselves and others.

Because of this belief, NEXT Church’s Preaching for Change Initiative:

  • begins with the internal work of preparing the leaders and community for change,
  • builds upon an evaluative practice of accountability to the work we are called to do,
  • and creates a collaborative learning environment to move communities toward wholeness.

Worship is a catalyst for congregational change, rooting people in the proclamation of God’s Holy Word and the movement of the Holy Spirit in order to embody their faith in the world. The Initiative creates the opportunity for transformation by developing learning environments for discernment, growth, and experimentation.

Applications for the Fall 2024 cohorts are now closed.

Questions? Contact LeAnn Hodges, Preaching for Change Coordinator

Applications for the Fall 2024 cohorts are due July 31, 2024.

Questions? Contact LeAnn Hodges, Preaching for Change Coordinator


Applicants are invited to form a cohort of 5-8 congregational leaders who identify a common aspect of preaching/worship leadership to create generative change and impact the world around them. The leadership cohorts will be accompanied by trained coaches and facilitators with the goal of cultivating growth rooted in worship. Leaders may form two kinds of cohorts.

  1. a cohort of peers serving different congregations
  2. a cohort of congregational leaders from a single church

The two-year cycle includes opportunities for individual and communal exploration so that participants examine themselves as leaders and the contexts in which they serve. Cohorts will be supported and challenged as they lead toward relevant, liberative change throughout the cycle, allowing knowledge to lead to embodiment and proclamation.

Participation in NEXT Church’s Preaching for Change Initiative will provide cohorts with a number of resources.



  1. Group Coaching for Your Cohort: Cohorts will be accompanied by two designated NEXT Church trained coaches. The coaches meet with the cohort 4 times (quarterly) for 90 minutes.
  2. Individual Coaching: Each member of the cohort receives four 50-minute one-to-one coaching sessions to root their journey contextually and accompany them towards impact.
  3. Content-Based Learning: All cohorts in the program, along with their coaches, receive four workshops on specific topics relevant to leading toward change that is rooted in the liberative gospel of Jesus Christ. Topics will include:
    • Leading Change with an Antiracist Posture in collaboration with Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training
    • Community Organizing Practices as Worship
    • Evaluation and Assessment that Lead to Change
    • Worship as Holy Disruption
  4. Attendance at the Preaching for Change Retreat, February 7-9, 2025 at Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center in Little Rock, AK: All participants in this round of Preaching for Change cohorts are required to attend this in person retreat, which will focus on the integration of liberative and evaluative practices in the context of worship.


  1. Group Coaching for Your Cohort: Continued accompaniment with the cohort’s coaches 4 times (quarterly) for 90 minutes.
  2. Individual Coaching: Continued coaching in four 50-minute one-to-one coaching sessions.
  3. Contextual-Based Learning: Accompanied by the cohort’s coach, participants develop a contextualized implementation plan based on the first year’s learnings. Cohorts have the opportunity to seek microgrants from the Initative’s Impact Fund to facilitate the intended goals and expand the cohort’s capacity.
  4. Evaluation: Cohort participants and their coach will measure effective change and share learnings as a result of the journey together.


  1. Group Coaching for Your Cohort: Cohorts will be accompanied by two designated NEXT Church trained coaches. The coaches meet with your cohort 6 times for 90 minutes.
  2. Individual Coaching: Cohorts receive eight 50-minute one-to-one coaching sessions to root their journey contextually and accompany them towards impact. Each cohort will decide how best to use these individual sessions. 1-2 key leaders can use these sessions or they can be distributed among the cohort members.
  3. Content-Based Learning: All cohorts in the program, along with their coaches, receive four workshops on specific topics relevant to leading toward change that is rooted in the liberative gospel of Jesus Christ. Topics will include:
    • Leading Change with an Antiracist Posture in collaboration with Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training
    • Community Organizing Practices as Worship
    • Evaluation and Assessment that Lead to Change
    • Worship as Holy Disruption
  4. Attendance at the Preaching for Change Retreat, February 7-9 at Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center in Little Rock, AK: All participants in this round of Preaching for Change cohorts are required  to attend this in person retreat, which will focus on the integration of liberative and evaluative practices in the context of worship.


  1. Group Coaching for Your Cohort: Continued accompaniment with the cohort’s coaches 6 times for 90 minutes.
  2. Individual Coaching: Continued coaching in eight 50-minute one-to-one coaching sessions. Cohorts will decide how best to use these individual sessions.
  3. Contextual-Based Learning: Accompanied by the cohort’s coach, participants develop a contextualized implementation plan based on the first year’s learnings. Cohorts have the opportunity to seek microgrants from the Initative’s Impact Fund to facilitate the intended goals and expand the cohort’s capacity.
  4. Evaluation: Cohort participants and their coach will measure effective change and share learnings as a result of the journey together.

Worship is a catalyst for congregational change, rooting people in the proclamation of God’s Holy Word and the movement of the Holy Spirit in order to embody their faith in the world.


To begin the application, a representative from the cohort needs to fill out the Preaching for Change Application – Part 1

Upon completion of Part 1, an email will be sent to every member of the cohort to individually fill out Part 2.

Download a copy of the application questions to help you plan.  Note that all applications must be submitted electronically using the link above.

All corresponding parts of the application are due by July 31, 2024. 

Tips for Your Application

  • Spend time forming a cohesive plan with all the members of your proposed cohort.
  • Describe, in detail, how you hope participation in the cohort program will lead to actual, specific change.
  • Be creative! We aren’t interested in teaching you how to craft a perfect three-point sermon. Use this opportunity to stretch and grow with other amazing church leaders.

Peer Cohorts: $500 per participant, per year

Payment of $500 is due at the time of acceptance in August 2024. An additional $500 payment is due August 2025 for the commitment to Year 2.

Congregational Cohorts: $1500 per cohort, per year

Payment of $1,500 is due for the entire cohort at the time of acceptance in August 2024. An additional $1,500 payment is due August 2025 for the commitment to Year 2.

Equity funds are available in recognition of resource imbalances, especially for small churches, leaders of color, students, and lay leaders. To inquire about available stipends, please contact LeAnn Hodges.

Examples of Potential Cohorts

  • Congregations where there is a specific need in the surrounding community and they are seeking ways for the proclamation of the Word to connect worship to the work of the church outside the walls for the purpose of being a catalyst for generative change
  • Leaders from a congregation and a nesting immigrant fellowship, seeking ways to partner in worship
  • Pastors seeking to preach faithfully and provide theological grounding for congregations who are facing difficult decisions about selling buildings and/or significant changes to staffing patterns
  • Congregations who are noticing a change in the worshiping community and are in discernment about how to adapt the worship and preaching moment to connect with those in the room. (i.e. intergenerational, neuro-divergent, intersectional, etc.)
  • Congregational leaders who are interested in exploring ways to expand spiritual practices in worship to facilitate the embodiment of scripture
  • BIPOC leaders serving in predominantly white spaces who are seeking mutual support in their work as preachers and an increase in their capacity to lead change in ways that are healthy and life affirming to their embodied ministries.
  • Pastoral leaders serving in ways other than full time, installed positions, such as yoked congregations, tent making/part time, transitional/interim, etc. focused on how to use the preaching moment as a concentrated opportunity to shift the culture toward wholeness.
  • Changing the staffing model to equip and empower the preaching laity
  • Developing a new post-COVID lectionary cycle
  • A cohort of CRE’s who are the primary preachers, desiring to support peer learning around the preaching moment
Leading Change with an Antiracist Posture

Change leading to liberation must be embodied with an antiracist and anti-oppression posture. Using the new interactive online course produced in collaboration with Crossroads Antiracism Organizing & Training, Antiracism as a Way of Being allows participants to explore what we mean by antiracism, how values guide action, and the ways embodying an antiracist posture leads to liberation for all. Participants will have the opportunity to explore this topic more in depth through an initiative-wide virtual gathering and at the in person February retreat.

Community Organizing Practices as Worship

Relational meetings and telling our stories are critical to the work of change. Learn how these skills are essential within organizations to understand and prime the landscape in which you hope change will occur.

Evaluation and Assessment that Lead to Change

How will you know if real change is taking place? Traditional metrics – such as membership counts, financial totals, and worship attendance – have proved inadequate for measuring effectiveness and healthy change. Learn about how to assess impact within your own context through guided teaching on NEXT Church’s resource Cultivated Ministry.

Worship as Holy Disruption

Worship is at the center of congregational life, which elevates the importance of the preaching moment. At the February retreat, cohort participants will explore how the proclamation of scripture can be used to disrupt complacency and move congregations toward an embodiment of gospel values.

The Preaching for Change Retreat will focus on the integration of liberative and evaluative practices in the context of worship. 

All cohort members are required to attend the retreat February 7-9 at Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center in Little Rock, AK.  The retreat will conclude late Sunday afternoon, with the option for participants to remain through Sunday morning to accommodate travel.

All travel and lodging expenses will be covered for participants, in addition to dinner Friday – breakfast Monday for those opting to stay over on Sunday night. Additionally, the cost of pulpit supply for Sunday, February 9, will be provided at the standard presbytery rate. Other incidental costs will be the responsibility of the participants. 

Congregational representatives are required to agree to allow pastoral leave for this retreat outside of vacation and study leave time.


  • June 5, 2024

    Application Process Opens

  • July 31, 2024

    Completed Applications Due

  • August 2024

    Cohort Selections Announced

  • September 2024

    Cohorts Begin Meeting with Coaches

  • February 7-9, 2025

    Preaching for Change Retreat

  • August 2025

    Midway Assessment and Evaluation

  • September 2025

    Year Two Begins


Applicants are invited to schedule a consultation with LeAnn Hodges, Coordinator for the Preaching for Change Initiative, as they prepare proposals.