Keep The Movement Going

At NEXT Church, we are curious about the ways to embody the work ahead so that we live as the beloved communities we are called to be. It is not about striving for perfection, right answers, solutions, or immediate fixes; we believe it’s about uncovering vulnerable ways to live together and make our faith incarnate everywhere we go.

We come alongside leaders in the Church – church members, ruling elders, youth leaders, educators, pastors, seminarians, and church professionals  – to learn and grow in order to bring a taste of the kin-dom of God here on earth together. This year we held 9 learning circles, 4 coaching cohorts, spoke with 40+ individuals as a part of a season of listening, and gathered 137 people in various roundtable discussions. 

Though founded by a group of pastors from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) over 14 years ago, NEXT Church has never been an entity of the denomination. We do not receive annual, denominational funding, rather, we rely on the generosity of our network (individuals, churches, ministries, and organizations) for primary financial support.

While this structure allows us to be nimble so we can accompany others in innovative ways, it means every dollar we receive is necessary to keep NEXT Church going.

You are critical to making this network sustainable. As this year comes to a close, we need you to be a part of the movement at NEXT Church.

  • Provide a financial gift to allow us to close the fiscal year strong.
  • Set up a monthly gift (or increase your gift) to deepen your commitment to the network.
  • Make a pledge for 2024, either as an individual or a church/organization, to enhance our impact in the new year.

There are still approaches to explore, areas to stretch and grow, and ways to impact the world around us. We are excited to see where we will go together.

With Thanksgiving for your Support,

Larrisa Kwong Abazia
Designated Strategic Director