What is NEXT Church?

NEXT Church is a network of leaders — church members, ruling elders, youth leaders, educators, pastors, seminarians — across the Presbyterian Church (USA) who believe the church of the future will be more relational, more diverse, more collaborative, more hopeful and more agile. We provide hopeful space for robust conversations about the theology, culture, and the practice of ministry, support strong, faithful leadership in a time of adaptive change, and encourage collaboration and creativity across congregations and geographies. We are fostering a conversation about how to follow Christ in our particular day and age. We are a movement seeking to strengthen the relational fabric of the PC(USA) so that our congregations are strong and healthy enough to be a sustained, effective, faithful and moral voice that is engaged in the transformation of our communities toward the common good.

Can I join NEXT Church?

You can! Join NEXT Church by participating in the conversation, doing innovative ministry in your community, and coming to national gatherings to share what you’ve learned and be inspired by others. You can be in touch with us to bring a leader from NEXT Church to your community for a workshop, retreat, or preaching. Offer your financial support so that we can continue to connect leaders and create space for generative conversation. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and sign up for our email newsletter to stay in touch with what’s going on.

How do I support what NEXT Church is doing?

Pray for God’s Spirit to connect and guide us.

Bring NEXT Church ideas to your community.

Bring a friend or colleague to a NEXT Church gathering. Better yet, bring a pastor friend and a church member.

Offer your financial support online or via check (scroll to the end of this page for more details).

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@nextpcusa) and sign up for our email newsletter.

What are options for NEXT Church near me?

NEXT Church regional gatherings are popping up around the country, propelled by momentum and hope generated at national gatherings. They are opportunities to connect locally with other leaders in the PC(USA) to encourage greater partnerships around shared mission actions and creative, exciting ministry opportunities.

What dream do you have for God’s kingdom in your local community? Affordable housing for seniors? An innovative youth leaders network? Robust campus ministry? These are the kinds of ideas the regional gatherings will embrace and explore. The particulars will depend on the passions of the participants.

NEXT Church leaders have done events ranging from presbytery retreats to teaching Sunday school classes to leading groups for pastors. Be in touch with us to talk about what opportunity makes sense in your area.

I heard NEXT Church engaged in an antiracism audit. Is that report available to read?

Yes you can! In the winter of 2019, NEXT Church contracted with Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training for a racial equity audit of NEXT Church as an organization. The NEXT Church Audit Team began meeting in June 2019, and completed its work in February 2021. You can read the report and its findings in full.

How is NEXT Church structured?

NEXT Church is a network of leaders across the PC(USA). The more people who are a generative part of this movement, the better. NEXT Church’s leadership teams seeks to give over-arching direction to our collective work. The Leadership Team serves as the governing board of NEXT Church — setting the agenda and making decisions. The work of NEXT Church is supported by a dedicated staff who work towards implementation and strategic design. You can read more about our leadership and structure here.

How is NEXT Church funded?

We are funded through the generous support of congregations and individuals – people like you! NEXT Church is not funded through the PC(USA) denomination. Our budget is lean – we are grateful for the collective giving that makes this ministry possible.

I want to help! How do I give money?

Village Presbyterian Church graciously serves as steward of NEXT Church funds. You can donate online or send a check earmarked for NEXT Church to:

Village Presbyterian Church
6641 Mission Road
Prairie Village, KS  66208