Session 1: Listening to Stories
Pastor Ashley Goff will share the story of APC’s process, and how they listened to their neighbors. What is the story being told in your congregation?
Session 2: Core Values
Ashley will share the core values APC adopted, used to evaluate all their decision-making, especially with their wealth, money, and possessions. What are the operative core values, named or unnamed, of your congregations?
Session 3: Disruption
The stories APC learned by listening to its neighbors disrupted the way they understood themselves and the church’s place in their community. What needs to be disrupted in you/your congregation?
Session 4: Imagining a New Way of Being
We will go on a field trip to APC’s location at Gilliam Place, tour the space, and engage in the exercise of our imaginations. What might be possible for your congregation?
*Please note this session will travel off-site to Arlington Presbyterian Church using Uber/Lyft. There will be an additional shared cost for the approximate 15 min Uber/Lyft ride both directions.
Session 5: Next Steps
We will reflect on insights gained over the past two days. What is one measurable action you can take when you get home?